Growing Seedlings - Jonathan's method
Take out the tray insert and turn it over.
Cut off bottom of RH corner well using a razor blade.
Return insert to tray. Fill tray with Ball Professional Mix leaving RH corner well empty. Wet Mix thoroughly.
Construct a planting chart (and don't lose it!).
Soak seeds in room temperature water for 75 minutes.
Pour out seeds into dish. Often they'll float "pointy end" (i.e. root) downward. Make a hole in Mix with tip of plastic label, then push seed "pointy end" downwards into Mix and cover seed with about 1/4-inch of Mix.
Water as necessary through empty well using dilute fertilizer (1/4 teaspoon per gallon water). Source: Pleasant Valley, IC.
Provide as much light as possible!
One tray of seedlings growing, one tray being prepared for sowing.
After about two months, transfer seedlings to indivdual 4-inch pots and grow until no danger of frost before transplanting outside. Good Luck!