February 22: Posted the January 2025 meeting minutes. Thank you very much, Cari!
February 20: Updated the Bulletin Board.
January 31: Posted on the Bulletin Board details about our February 8th club meeting in Iowa City and also a link to the February 2025 CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Nancy Rash and Lyle, for creating the newsletter for us!
January 28: Posted on the Bulletin Board the current list of our 2025 team of volunteers and requested additional volunteers to help run the club's activities this year.
January 24: Working hard on the 2024 Club Archives! Not done yet!
January 22: On the Bulletin Board, you will find links to the presentations given at the January meeting by Barb Papenhausen and Heather Harroun. Enjoy!
January 18: Posted on the Bulletin Board key information about the Pollen Dabbers meeting (i.e. the meeting agenda, a fillable registration form, and accomodation possibilities).
January 10: Posted the 2023 and 2024 CVIDS Fall Banquet Reports. Thank you, Nancy Rash! Posted the club's 2025 calendar as far as information is currently available. More after Saturday's meeting!
January 6: Information about the January 11th club meeting can be found on the Bulletin Board. We look forward to seeing you there!
January 4: Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that you enjoyed a wonderful Holiday Season with family and friends. Today, I have posted on the Bulletin Board a preliminary announcement for Pollen Dabbers 2025 in late March.
December 28: Posted a link to the January 2025 CVIDS Newsletter. Thanks go to our publishers Lyle Moen and Nancy Rash!
December 26: I am saddened to inform you that CVIDS member Melvin Bauguess passed away on December 23rd at age 96. Please consult the Bulletin Board for his obituary.
December 4: We are grateful to Nancy Rash for providing a financial report from the recent Fall Banquet. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy by email.
November 26: The latest CVIDS Newsletter can be found on the Bulletin Board. Many thanks to Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen for an excellent edition.
November 19: All the winning photos in our recent Photo Contest have now been posted! Many thanks for sending them so quickly to Jonathan.
November 17: Visit the Bulletin Board to see the approved October meeting minutes as well as the majority of the 2024 Photo Contest winning images!
November 15: When you next see Nancy Rash and Keith Riewerts, please thank them for the fine photographs they took during their busy afternoons at the Fall Banquet. Check out the Bulletin Board for their images as well as the winning Photo Contest photos that have reached Jonathan in Colorado.
November 10: Please visit the Bulletin Board to find an overview of yesterday's Banquet kindly provided by Nancy Rash, CVIDS Hospitality Chair.
November 9: A BIG thank you to Sherry Moffit for organizing this year's photo contest and for sending Jonathan a list of winning photos just a few hours after the Banquet concluded.
November 8: Check out the Bulletin Board for four items pertinent to tomorrow's Fall Banquet!
October 24: Posted Colleen Hansen's PowerPoint presentation on the Bulletin Board. Thanks for sharing!
October 21: Have posted on the Bulletin Board all the latest information about the November 9th Fall Banquet and photo contest. Please consider coming to join the fun in Coralville! If you can't make the Banquet (it's free for paid-up members, but you need to register by October 31st), at least consider submitting photos to the photo contest by November 1st!
October 16: Added the updated membership list. Thank you, Jackie!
October 15: Posted four presentations from the Hybridizers' Roundup on the Bulletin Board. Thank you to Jackie, Barb, Heather and Jonathan for sharing!
October 10: Don't miss Heather's October 9th email to you! It's packed full with the following vital information: (i) the agenda for Saturday’s meeting, (ii) November banquet information, (iii) August meeting minutes, (iv) September board meeting minutes, and, last but not least, (v) the Zoom link for Saturday's meeting.
October 3: The Bulletin Board provides the latest information about our October 12th Hybridizers' Roundup in Washington, IA. It also has the latest membership list and some encouragement to consider renewing your dues!
September 19: The minutes taken by acting Secretary Nancy Rash at the CVIDS Board Meeting on September 18 may be accessed here. Thank you, Nancy!
September 17: Check out the Bulletin Board to discover the roles currently played by two of our CVIDS members for ADS Region One and beyond!
August 31: The Bulletin Board now displays links to the August 2024 CVIDS Newsletter as well as the rules for the 2024 Betty Miller Photo Contest. Please consider sorting through your daylily photo collection from this summer and entering the Contest. You can't win a prize if you don't enter! Thank you, Shelly and Sherry, for all your endeavors!
August 27: Take a look at the Bulletin Board to (i) find a link to the CVIDS Newsletter 3rd Special Edition, featuring the AHS Region One meeting in Minnetonka, MN, last July, (ii) view photos taken at last Saturday's events in Monticello, (iii) learn about our Hybridizers' Roundup on October 12, and (iv) discover who will be guest speaker at our Fall Banquet on November 9. Thank you, Lyle, for submitting photos!
August 22: Please check out the Bulletin Board for an update about Gary Oster.
August 8: The Bulletin Board provides lots of information regarding the many events that will take place in Monticello on Saturday, August 24th.
July 17: Check out the Bulletin Board for two new items: (i) A follow-up written by Peggy Rash-Daniels about the recent visit to Sue and Dave Kramer's garden to celebrate Sue's birthday, and (ii) a newsletter special edition created by Lyle Moen and Nancy Rash about the July 13th Garden Tour.
July 3: 2024 Garden Tour
This much-awaited annual event will take place on Saturday, July 13. Please put this date on your calendar! We will be visiting two gardens before lunch and then another two gardens after lunch. Please consult your July 2nd email from Heather for all the details including: (i) the four gardens being toured, (ii) the times at each garden, and (iii) the lunch spot. (For security reasons, we traditionally do not post this information on the website). You can bring your own lunch or, for $12.85, you can receive a box lunch from Subway consisting of a 6-inch sub, chips and a cookie. Choice of turkey, ham, or roast beef. Water will be provided. Lunch orders are due by 7/6/24 (please note that this is a revised deadline). Email your lunch preference to jhsharroun@outlook.com. Payment will be collected on the day of the tour.
Two new items today on the Bulletin Board: (i) photos taken at Sue Kramer's birthday yesterday, and (ii) a Special Edition of the CVIDS Newsletter created by Lyle Moen and Nancy Rash about their recent trip to the ADS National Convention in Oklahoma. Many thanks go to Heather, Lyle and Nancy!
June 24: Check out the Bulletin Board for an invitation to help celebrate Sue Kramer's birthday!
June 7: Please consult the Bulletin Board for two new items: (i) a letter from Heather Harroun encouraging you to dabble with daylily hybridization, and (ii) the latest information about our July 13 Garden Tour. Please note that there is a July 1 deadline to meet, if you'd like to order a Subway lunch on the Tour.
May 26: Thank you to Diane Derganz for providing the list of this year’s club plant distribution recipients as well as the auction plants buyers.
May 19: Uploaded on the Bulletin Board several photos taken by Lyle Moen at yesterday's meeting. Thank you, Lyle!
May 18: Here are three additions to the daylily plant list provided by Heather Harroun.
May 13: Posted on the Bulletin Board a few photos kindly provided by Heather Harroun and Keith Riewerts of last Saturday's plant sale. Well done, everybody!
May 8: Check out the Bulletin Board for updated information about our May 11 and May 18 meetings! Posted the April CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Shelly, so much!
April 21: Finished uploading photos from the April meeting and from Gnoman's Land Gardens.
April 18: Posted on the Bulletin Board the Powerpoint presentations from last Saturday's meeting of the 2024 daylily club plants and iris club plants. Added some of Keith Riewert's photos from the meeting (many more to come!) and some images from Gnoman's Land Gardens (thanks to Heather Harroun).
April 17: Check out the Bulletin Board! Our thanks go to Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen for providing photos of their garden and of last Saturday's meeting, respectively. Diane Derganz has kindly provided a list of daylily cultivars returning in August 2024 including holdovers.
April 12: On the Bulletin Board, you will find the agenda for tomorrow's meeting as well as a list of members eligible for a 2024 club plant. Please remember to bring your own table service and drinks. Thank you! See you tomorrow in-person or via Zoom!
April 8: Posted on the Bulletin Board several meeting announcements made by President Heather Harroun and the March meeting minutes recorded by Cari Rusnak. Thank you, both!
March 27: Posted the Third Edition of the Members' Handbook.
March 12: Posted preliminary information about our April 13 meeting in Wilton.
March 10: Posted a summary on the Bulletin Board about yesterday's club meeting in Iowa City.
March 8: Many thanks to Nancy Rash and Shelly Lett for the 2023 Fall Banquet Report and the March CVIDS Newsletter, respectively! We are also grateful to Cari Rusnak for the February meeting minutes.
March 4: Please check the Bulletin Board for news about next Saturday's club meeting in Iowa City as well as an update on Gary Oster's recovery from his fall. Hope to see you on Saturday! Please note that, if you are unable to attend the meeting in-person, please consider attending via Zoom. Please check your March 4th emails for one from Heather that contains the Zoom link.
February 21: Posted on the Bulletin Board the sad news that Gary Oster has had a fall and is currently at St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids.
February 18: A new expense reimbursement form can be found on the Bulletin Board.
February 11: Posted photos taken by Lyle Moen at Saturday's meeting in Coralville. Thank you, Lyle!
February 4: Posted the January 2024 CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Shelly!
February 3: Posted the agenda for our business meeting on February 10. Please note that, if you are unable to attend the meeting in-person, please consider attending via Zoom. Please check your February 3rd emails for one from Heather that contains the Zoom link.
February 2: Posted the approved Board Meeting minutes from December 9, 2023.
January 24: Details about our February 10th meeting were posted on the Bulletin Board and 2024 Calendar.
January 10: After looking at the forecast for Friday into Saturday, the Board has decided to cancel the January 13th meeting entirely. Hope to see you all in February!!
January 9: I am sorry to relay the news that Jill Gardner's mother Connie Lou passed away yesterday. Her obituary can be accessed here. I have posted a preliminary club calendar for 2024; it's clearly a work in progress! I've added the agenda for Saturday's meeting to the Bulletin Board.
January 7: Congrats are in order for Gretchen Little! Check out the Bulletin Board to see why!
January 6: Many thanks to Nancy Carlisle for making us aware that the ADS Monday Night Lights sessions will be starting very soon, and that on January 29 the speaker will be Sandy Holmes, our guest speaker at the Fall Banquet last November, and her husband Mike. Please go to the Bulletin Board for details.
January 3, 2024: Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that you enjoyed the Holidays. On the Bulletin Board, you will find New Year's greetings from our new club president Heather Harroun and information about our January meeting at the Johnson County Extension in Iowa City. Hope to see you there.
December 12: Posted a preliminary 2024 CVIDS Calendar on the Bulletin Board.
December 6: Posted a link on the Bulletin Board to the November-December 2023 CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Shelly, for creating it during this very busy time of the year.
November 16: Please see the Bulletin Board for the 2023 Betty Miller Photo Contest winners' list.
November 15: Posted unapproved minutes from the November Meeting on the Bulletin Board. Thank you, Cari!
November 12: Click here for a selection of photos taken by Lyle Moen at yesterday's Fall Banquet! Thank you, Lyle!
November 4: To help you plan for the Fall Banquet's Auction, Sandy Holmes has kindly forwarded a list of her cultivars that will be available and photos thereof.
October 31: Halloween! Take care out there tonight ........ or stay inside and enjoy reading the CVIDS October Newsletter. Thank you, Shelly!
October 24: Posted on the Bulletin Board nine 2023 introductions by Sandy Holmes, our Banquet guest speaker.
October 23: Uploaded the October meeting minutes to the Bulletin Board. Recorded by acting secretary Nancy Rash, they will be voted upon at the December meeting. Thank you, Nancy!
October 20: Check out the Bulletin Board for photos of last Saturday's Hybridizers' Roundup kindly provided by Lyle and Keith. Also there you will find the six PowerPoint presentations given at that event. Please note the rules of the Annual Betty Miller Photo Contest to be held at the Banquet on November 11. If you mail your photos to the organizers, they must be postmarked no later than October 31.
October 13: The Bulletin Board now shows the agenda for tomorrow's meeting at the Washington Public Library. It also gives information from Nancy Rash about other activities going on in Washington, Iowa, that you might be interested in. You'll also find an update on the health condition of Gary Oster and Nancy Rash. Thank you to all who contributed to today's posts.
October 10: Posted on the Bulletin Board are links to the August Club Meeting Minutes (as yet unapproved) and the September CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Cari and Shelly, for your fine work.
October 2: Please visit the Bulletin Board to see the very latest on the November Banquet as well as Gary Oster's health.
September 23: Added to the Bulletin Board information provided by Heather Harroun about how to participate in the upcoming Hybridizers' Roundup.
September 4: Added preliminary information on the Bulletin Board about the remaining CVIDS meetings in 2023. Thank you, Nancy Carlisle, for inviting Sandy Holmes to be our Banquet guest speaker.
September 3: Added Summer Meeting photos kindly submitted by Diane Derganz. Check out the collage of photos on the Bulletin Board!
August 28: Posted on the Bulletin Board some photos taken by Lyle Moen at the recent Fall Sale and Auction. Thank you, Lyle!
August 18: Please check out the Bulletin Board for a link to the August 2023 edition of the CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Editor Shelly and all contributors!
August 10: Posted information on the Bulletin Board about the many events taking place in Monticello on Saturday, August 26th, namely the Fall Public Plant Sale, the potluck, the Silent Auction and the Live Auction.
August 9: Posted invitation to an Iris Dig & Divide in Muscatine next Saturday morning.
August 6: Today, I concluded posting Summer Meeting photos provided by Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen, Keith Riewerts, Sherry Moffit and me. Many apologies that it's taken almost three weeks since the meeting, but we returned to full bloom season in Colorado. If you have photos from the Open Gardens that you'd like to contribute to the website, please contact Jonathan (jonathan-poulton@uiowa.edu). Thank you!
August 2: Added to the Bulletin Board Summer Meeting photos kindly supplied by Sherry Moffit.
July 31: Added Keith Riewerts' photos to the Regional Summer Meeting memories on the Bulletin Board.
July 29: Completed posting the Regional Summer Meeting photos kindly provided by Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen. The latest group of photos can be found on the Bulletin Board or by clicking here.
July 27: Posted on the Bulletin Board photos taken by Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen during the Tour Gardens.
July 23: Began posting on the Bulletin Board a review of our recent Region One Summer Meeting with photos kindly provided by Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen. More to follow!
July 11: Many thanks should go to Diann Pavelka for providing an updated PowerPoint presentation of the plants in this weekend's Silent Auction. Please click here to access it.
July 3: On the Bulletin Board, you will find the sad news that CVIDS co-founder member Donna Helgens recently passed away. You will also access the finalized schedule for the Summer Meeting in Muscatine. That schedule is also accessible here.
June 21: Posted on the Bulletin Board the June meeting minutes as well as a special edition to the CVIDS Newsletter written by Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen about the recent ADS National Convention in Nashville.
June 13: Posted information on the Bulletin Board about a Zoom link and password that will allow you to view a Zoom recording from the June club meeting in Marion. Thanks, Nancy Carlisle, for setting that up for us. Also on the Board you will find a link to the AHS Region One Facebook group, where its administrator, Jason Halonen, has posted some excellent information about our Summer Meeting.
June 5: Added the description of Frank and Mary Ancell's garden to the Open Gardens.
June 1: Uploaded to the Bulletin Board the May 2023 CVIDS Newsletter. Thank you, Shelly!
May 30: Added more photos to Open Gardens page.
May 29: Added photos to the Open Gardens page.
May 25: Added photos to the Open Gardens page.
May 24: There is lots to do in Muscatine! See for yourself by clicking here.
May 18: Added photos to the Open Gardens page.
May 17: Added photos to the Open Gardens page.
May 16: Added William Blair and Virginia Houser's Garden in Johnson County to the Open Gardens. Added to the Bulletin Board an email received today from Karmin about breakfast arrangements for Saturday's Club Plant Distribution.
May 15: Posted information on the Bulletin Board about next Saturday's Club Plant Distribution.
May 14: Added photos to the Open Gardens page.
May 13: Added photos of Muscatine Plant Sale to Bulletin Board.
May 9: Posted the unapproved draft of the April meeting minutes. Thank you again, Cari!
May 5: Added a few more photos to the Open Gardens page.
May 2: Posted details on the Bulletin Board about our May 6th Plant and Bake Sale as well as a kind offer from Valerie Moeller and Nancy Carlisle to pick up sale plants in Cedar Rapids on Friday, May 5. Added more photos to the Open Gardens page.
April 30: Added a few more photos to the Open Gardens page.
April 29: Uploaded to the Summer Regional Meeting the currently available regional auction and silent auction plants. Added new elements to the Open Gardens page.
April 28: Uploaded to the Bulletin Board the April 2023 CVIDS Newsletter.
April 26: Added an announcement to the Bulletin Board about the upcoming Hauberg Estate Native Plant Sale.
April 25: Uploaded additional descriptions to the list of Summer Regional Open Gardens.
April 15: Uploaded some post-meeting notes received from Nancy Carlisle that includes a thank you from Gretchen Little, Powerpoint presentations for the 2023 Club Plant Distribution, and an update on revisions to the club's Bylaws passed on April 8.
April 10: Posted 2023 Summer Meeting Update #3.
April 4: A big Thank You to Shelly Lett for creating the March edition of the CVIDS Newsletter!
April 3: The Bulletin Board has an invitation for you to attend our club's April 8th meeting in Bettendorf. Hope to see you there!
March 19: Please visit the Bulletin Board for information about: (a) the passing of CVIDS founder member Marilyn Little, (b) the recent Art of Gardening meeting in Muscatine, at which two of our longtime members gave presentations and the club gained two new members, (c) the vote that will be taken at our April meeting regarding bylaw changes, (d) a reminder that club dues are due by April 1, and (e) the March meeting minutes.
March 16: I have incorporated a wonderful piece written by our Nancy Carlisle into the Local Attractions page of the 2023 Regional Meeting. It is a super introduction for our visitors, no matter from which quadrant they are coming to that event.
March 14: A big Thank You should go to Heather Harroun for hosting last Saturday's Business Meeting at short notice. We are also indebted to Nancy Carlisle and Nash Rash for setting up the Zoom links and for providing photographs and commentary.
March 12: Please take a look at the list of volunteer activities that will be key to the success of our Regional meeting in July. Consider volunteering for one or more activities! Added Update #2 to the Meeting Updates page.
March 11: Added link to today's meeting's agenda.
March 10: I have uploaded on the Bulletin Board a revised Zoom link for tomorrow's club meeting. Thank you, Nancy and Nancy!
Due to the parade in Cedar Rapids on Saturday (March 11), we are relocating our club meeting to the Johnson County Extension Office, 3109 Old Hwy 218 South, Iowa City, IA. Please alert your daylily friends about this change! The meeting will begin with a potluck at noon. Thereafter, we'll have a business meeting at 1 PM followed by the American Iris Society Webinar #4 PowerPoint presentation by Bonnie Nichols on "Novelty Irises - Space Agers". If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, Nancy Carlisle has kindly provided a Zoom link. In addition, you may access the Powerpoint presentation here.
March 7: I have updated the list of Open Gardens for the 2023 Summer Regional. If you would like to have your garden added to that list, please contact Nancy Carlisle.
March 5: Added a new page to our Archives that details club activities for 2022. Please notify Jonathan (jonathan-poulton@uiowa.edu) if: (a) you had an open garden in 2022, and (b) if you have the minutes for the business meeting that may have been held at the May Plant Distribution. Thank you for your help!
March 1: Added a message to Bulletin Board encouraging registration at our 2023 ADS Summer Meeting. Am working on a webpage that lists local attractions that attendees might like to visit. Please contact me (jonathan-poulton@uiowa.edu) if you have any suggestions to add to that list. Thank you!
February 22: Uploaded the February 2023 Newsletter to the website. Thank you, Shelly, for putting it together for us! Added the current list of Open Gardens to the 2023 Summer Meeting webpages. If you'd like your garden to be added to this list, please contact Nancy Carlisle.
February 20: Here is the latest information about our 2023 Summer Meeting.
February 19: Minutes of the January 11th Board Meeting and the February 11th club meeting are available on the Bulletin Board. Thank you, Nancy Rash, for taking the minutes, and many apologies from me for taking a week to post them!
February 18: Heather Harroun has kindly secured a 40-minute American Iris Society Webinar PowerPoint presentation by Bonnie Nichols on "Novelty Irises - Flatties and Broken Color". Please check on the Bulletin Board for that link! There, you will also find a link to a Zoom recording of our February 11 meeting. Thanks, Nancy Carlisle, for making that available.
February 14: All sorts of interesting items were posted on the Bulletin Board this morning including information about the Muscatine Spring Plant and Bake Sale on May 6 and the November 11 Banquet. Updated the CVIDS 2023 Board page.
February 11: Here's the agenda for today's meeting.
February 10: You may recall that your assistance was being requested to dig, divide and donate irises on Saturday, April 22 (with a rain date of April 29). This event has now been postponed until August 12. It will take place at 9-11 AM at 1713 D Ave., Ripley's Trailer Park, Muscatine. Detailed information will be posted on the website and CVIDS Facebook page in June.
February 9: Our February club meeting will take place via Zoom on Saturday, February 11, beginning at 1 PM. Nancy Carlisle sent you an updated Zoom link this morning (February 9), so look in your email inbox for it! Thank you, Nancy, for setting up that link for us.
February 5: Posted on the Bulletin Board some information about the February Zoom meeting (Note: The agenda will reach you by email early on Saturday) as well as two CVIDS activities in March and April, in which you may have interest in participating/volunteering.
January 17: Posted the 2023 CVIDS Board members as currently known. Several open positions are evident.
January 16: Please visit the Bulletin Board to see the minutes from the club meeting on January 14. You will notice that there are several openings for chairpersons this year. If you are interested to volunteer, please contact Darrin Lett at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
January 10: Posted the agenda for tomorrow's Board Meeting on the Bulletin Board.
January 8, 2023: Updated information on the Bulletin Board about the January 11th Board meeting and the January 14th Business Meeting.
December 11: Posted the November Fall Banquet meeting minutes. Thank you, Cari!
November 22: Posted on Bulletin Board and on the Archives page reports from the Fall Banquet Committee (2013-2022). Special thanks to the 2022 Banquet Committee: Nancy Rash, Lyle Moen, Sherry Moffit, and Lynn Moffit!
November 20: Check out the Bulletin Board. As promised, I have constructed a Powerpoint present-ation of the Photo Contest winners. That will make viewing far easier! I have also updated our quest to find two new officers for 2023.
November 18: On the Bulletin Board, you will find that I have linked photographs to the names of winning Photo Contest entries.
November 15: Please visit the Bulletin Board to access an overview provided by the co-chairs of last Saturday's Fall Banquet, a slideshow of photos taken by Lyle Moen and Keith Riewerts, and a list of winners in the 2022 Betty Miller Photo Contest.
November 12: Please click here for today's Business Meeting Agenda.
November 10: Posted the October 22 Meeting Minutes.
November 2: Posted on the Bulletin Board an important update from the Fall Banquet co-chairs.
October 30: Please visit the Bulletin Board to see the latest update on our Fall Banquet, now only two weeks away. Lots of new information about the cultivars being auctioned. Check out the good deals!
October 29: Winter is coming! Here are a couple of reads that I heartily recommend.
October 26: Powerpoint presentations from our recent Hybridizers' Roundup are available on the Bulletin Board.
October 25: We are looking for volunteers to serve as Club Vice President and Treasurer. If you're interested to serve in either capacity, please contact President Darrin as soon as possible. Thank you!
October 24: Breaking news! Please visit the Bulletin Board to discover who will be the featured speaker at our November 12th Fall Banquet in Coralville!
October 22: On the Home Page, the top right corner of the menu of choices provides you a new choice.......... 2023 Regional Meeting. In future weeks and months, this is where I'd advise you visit to find the latest information about that fun event in Muscatine, Iowa, in July 2023.
October 18: Visit the Bulletin Board for the latest information about the 2023 ADS Region One Summer Meeting in Muscatine, Iowa, hosted by CVIDS.
October 18: Many apologies for not posting on our website for the past 4-5 weeks. Two reasons. Jonathan and Susie were in England to visit his elder brother Richard who had suffered a severe stroke and had been in hospital for two months. Luckily, they were able to visit him before he passed away. Returning to Fort Collins, it was found that, for some unclear reason, Jonathan no longer could access the CVIDS website as webmaster. Thanks to Mary Jo, Jonathan is now back at the helm with a functioning website. Should you wish to have material posted, please contact him by email (jonathan-poulton@uiowa.edu). Today you will find on the Bulletin Board information from Nancy Rash about the November 12 Annual Fall Banquet, the Betty Miller Photo Contest, and how to pay your 2023 membership dues. Please take notice of the deadlines.
September 13: Posted on the Bulletin Board an invitation to attend a July 2023 Muscatine Regional Planning Meeting.
September 8: Please visit the Bulletin Board to: (i) receive alerts about club members and their immediate family members, (ii) access minutes for the June and August 2022 club meetings, and (iii) obtain updates on the September and October club meetings.
September 5: Uploaded photos from the Fall Sale and Auctions kindly provided by Nancy Rash.
August 18: The Bulletin Board relays the sad tidings of the passing of Lyle Moen's son Richard in Buena Vista, CO, on August 6th. Also, it provides a gentle reminder that bids for this year's Silent Auction must be received by Diane Derganz by Sunday, August 21st.
August 15: Posted an overview of the recent ADS Region One Summer Meeting at Marshalltown, IA, that includes photos kindly provided by Lyle Moen. Thank you, Lyle!
August 11: Please check on the Bulletin Board for vital information from Committee Chair Diane Derganz regarding the return of club plants and submission of bids for the Silent Auction. Thank you, Diane!
August 7: On the Bulletin Board, you'll find updated information about our August 27th Fall Public Plant Sale and Club Plant Return in Monticello. Please note that there will be an informal in-person meeting about the plans for the 2023 Region One Summer Regional Meeting at 11 am.
June 9: I am sorry to relay the sad news of the passing of Diane Derganz's husband Larry. Please go to Bulletin Board.
June 27: Please consult the Bulletin Board for: (i) change of date for CVIDS' Fall Public Plant Sale and Club Plant Return, and (ii) a link to the obituary for Karmin Mullins' mother Verla Dorlena (Potratz) Mullins.
June 14: Check out the Bulletin Board for an Open Garden invitation from the Harroun Family!
June 7: Please access the Bulletin Board for details about our June 11th meeting in Iowa City.
May 21: Posted on the Bulletin Board a meeting report and photos of yesterday's plant distribution and auction kindly forwarded by Nancy Rash, also a photo from Keith Riewerts.
May 20: Uploaded to the Bulletin Board a revised "By Hybridizer" list of club daylilies from Heather and a list and photos of club iris plants kindly provided by LeAnn Pisarik, Shelley Lett and Diann Pavelka.
May 19: For a photographic overview of the entire collection of 2022 Club Plants, please click here.
May 18: Please check the Bulletin Board for updated information about Saturday's Club Plant Distribution and Auction.
April 23: Uploaded information on the Bulletin Board about our Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, May 7, at the Muscatine Environmental Learning Center (Discovery Park Pavilion).
April 22: Posted a quick review of our April 9th club meeting including a link to the minutes.
April 6: Posted additional information on the Bulletin Board about next Saturday's club meeting in Coralville, including information about two presentations by Heather Harroun and Nancy Carlisle, respectively, and the agenda for the business meeting.
April 1: Since 2019, CVIDS has lost several of its senior members including three charter members. The In Memoriam page has been updated as a remembrance to these fine folk and their contributions to our club.
March 24: Posted a preliminary notice on the Bulletin Board about our next club meeting on April 9th.
March 20: Uploaded the archive of club activities in 2021.
March 17: Posted on the Bulletin Board: (i) information pertaining to the upcoming visitation and funeral services for Mary Moore, (ii) an invitation from President Darrin to an organizational meeting via Zoom for the 2023 ADS Summer Regional Meeting, (iii) minutes of our March 12th meeting, and (iv) an archive of club activities in 2020, brought together with much assistance from Nancy and Lyle's Newsletters, Diann's Facebook page, and PowerPoint presentations kindly provided by Heather. Many thanks to all mentioned! Now, I'm turning to all members to help me fill in any gaps, especially with respect to the list of 2020 Board members. If I have omitted anyone or made an error, please understand that it's not by design. Please contact Jonathan (jonathan-poulton@uiowa.edu) with desired revisions or additions. Thank you so much! I am aware that three members passed away in 2020 (Gertrude Pheiffer, Mary McCord, and Robert Little). I extend belated sympathies to their loved ones and will soon be providing photos and links to their obituaries in the In Memoriam pages of this website.
March 16: Please access the Bulletin Board for some sad news received early today of the passing of CVIDS charter member and friend Mary Moore. A review of last Saturday's club meeting is also posted there.
March 14: Added a direct link on the Home Page to our CVIDS Facebook Group. Working on the club's 2020 and 2021 archives. Definitely a work in progress! Hope you're patient!
March 12: Members, if you'd prefer to attend today's club meeting via Zoom rather than in person, please check your emails for a Zoom link from Darrin and Nancy. Looking forward to seeing you!
March 11: Made an announcement about the upcoming ADS Region One Summer Regional Meeting in Marshalltown in mid-July.
March 10: Posted the 2021 Club Archives.
March 9: Uploaded the agenda for Saturday, March 12, CVIDS Meeting.
March 8: Updated the 2022 CVIDS calendar (tentative).
March 7: Posted information about the March 12 CVIDS Club Meeting in Williamsburg.
March 6: Club meeting minutes and Board meeting minutes through February 2022 have been uploaded.
March 5, 2022: All CVIDS Newsletters from 1990 until November 2021 can be accessed at: http://www.cvids.org/newsletter.html
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