2015 Calendar of Events

January 17
Noon: Lunch
1 PM: Program

Presentation: "2014 AHS Awards" by Zora Ronan
15-minute Talk: "2014 seedlings" by Dave Appelquist

Coralville Public Library
February 14
11 AM: Lunch
Noon: Program

Presentation: "Essential Oils" by Sherry McCarville & Karmin Mullins
15-minute Talk: "Chemicals, Soils, and Coir" by Barb Papenhausen

Johnson County Extension Office, Iowa City

Fri, Sat, Sun
February 20-22

Region 2 Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Symposium

Brookfield, WI

February 21
Winter Gardening Fair Kirkwood Community College, CR
March 7
Horticulture in the Heartland Clinton Community College

Friday, Saturday
March 13-14

Pollen Dabbers (CIDS) - program and registration form

Marshalltown Community College

March 14

Muscatine Master Gardeners: "Art of Gardening" Muscatine Community College Campus (Strahan Hall)

March 21
Noon: Lunch
1 PM: Program

Presentation: "2015 Club Plants" by Zora Ronan
Highlights of being a club for 25 years
(15-minute Talk: "The Pre-emergent that Saved my Garden" by Barb McCreight (postponed))

New Hope Presbyterian Church, 4209 West Locust Street, Davenport

April 11
Noon: Lunch
1 PM: Program

Presentation: "Protecting Yourself from Injuries while Daylily Gardening" by Feryl York, PTA
30-minute Talk:
"Underground Railroad Book Release" by Doug Jones

Environmental Learning Center, Muscatine

May 9

CVIDS Spring Plant Sale

Environmental Learning Center, Muscatine

May 9
9-11:30 AM

Project GREEN Plant Sale Carver Hawkeye Arena, Iowa City
May 23
Doors open: 9 am Distribution: 10 am

Club Plant Distribution & Live Auction

Muscatine County
West Liberty

June 10-14

AHS National Meeting


Atlanta, Georgia


July 11

CVIDS Daylily Southern Garden Tour:
"Daylilies Galore & More"

Hilltop Gardens, Fort Madison, IA.
Hillcrest Hostas & More, Donnellson, IA.
Tender Top Water Garden & Nursery, West Burlington, IA.
Weiner Roast at Walnut Hill Gardens, Atalissa.
July 17-19
Region 1 Regional Meeting - "Dancing with Daylilies" Marshalltown (Hosts: CIDS)
August 22
Set-up: 8 am
Sale: 9 - 11:30 am
Lunch at noon with auction to follow
Fall Plant Sale, Potluck Lunch,
& Auction

Youth Center
Jones County Fairground
700 N. Maple Street
October 10
Noon: Lunch
1 PM: Program

Presentation: Hybridizers' Roundup
15-minute Talk: "Glass Ornaments as Garden Art" by Barb McCreight and Ginger Pruess

Prairie View United Methodist Church
27131 Iowa 78
Ollie, IA

November 14
Time TBA

Presentation: Speaker Karol Emmerich (Springwood Gardens, MN)
Fall Banquet & Betty Miller Photo Contest

Holiday Inn, Coralville
(HWY 80, Exit 242)
