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2008 Betty Miller Photo Contest

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Ist Place Singles - Polymerus
(Gerald Hobbs)

2nd Place Singles - Eyes Right Jones
(Barb Papenhausen)

1st Place Doubles - Meringue Mirage
(Keith Riewerts)

2nd Place Doubles - Root Beer Truffle
(Barb Papenhausen)

1st Place Spiders - Primal Scream
(Shirley Waters)

2nd Place Spiders (tie) - Crocodillian
(Gerald Hobbs)


2nd Place Spiders (tie)
Loch Ness Monster
(Sherry Moffit)



Dinner and a Movie (????)

John Chris (Keith Riewerts)

Lavender Heartthrob (Gerald Hobbs)

Aabachee (Jonathan Poulton)

Royal Jester (Jonathan Poulton)

Top Guns Winemeister (Sylvia Seymour)

Special thanks to Sylvia Seymour for organizing this year's photo contest. Point of interest: Crocodilian is one of Betty Miller's introductions.


